Privacy Policy


Privacy protection is an extremely important issue for Electro System S.r.l.

Our desire is to allow you to browse our web pages without concerns about security issues.
In general, you can use our website without the need to disclose personal information.
The privacy policy below provides an overview of how Electro System S.r.l. ensures the protection of your privacy, as well as the type of data collected and the main purpose of collection.

Specific privacy notices will be provided when registering for the Site (where applicable) or subscribing to the newsletter service (where available).

Electro System S.p.a., headquartered in Imola, Via Pietro Nenni n.9, is the data controller of your personal data (hereinafter also the “Company” or “the ‘Company”).



The computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of this website (hereinafter “Site”) acquire, in the course of their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.
This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.
This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and computer environment.
The IP address is transmitted whenever a request is submitted to the server, in order to allow the server to correctly address the response.
At the time of connection, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns the user an IP address, and is able to trace the specific client to which a given IP address has been assigned at any given time.
As long as the IP address remains stored, it is theoretically possible to identify the owner of the Internet connection through the ISP.
For this reason, neither our company nor its statistical service providers store the user’s IP address permanently, but only temporarily for the purpose of session recognition, as well as for security reasons (e.g., to ward off possible cyber attacks).
Thereafter, the IP address is immediately deleted, thus transforming any data collected into anonymous form.
It will therefore no longer be possible to identify the user, not even through the Internet service provider.

Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 3 below in relation to the use of cookies on the Site, navigation data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its proper functioning and, the same are deleted immediately after processing.
The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Site.
Browsing data are processed for our legitimate interest in ensuring the security of the Site, controlling its proper functioning and obtaining statistics in relation to its use (art. 6, co. 1, let. f) of EU Regulation 679/2016).



This Site uses cookies.
Therefore, for more information and to manage your preferences in relation to them, please see our Cookie Policy.



Protecting your privacy and the security of your personal data are two aspects of paramount importance to our company.

The use of personal data by the Company is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation no.
679/2016 (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR” or “Regulations”), as well as in accordance with applicable national privacy legislation.

Pursuant to Article 5 of the GDPR, all of our employees, who in the performance of their duties operate the Site, are required to treat users’ personal data lawfully, fairly and transparently and in accordance with obligations of confidentiality.


4.1. Categorie particolari di dati personali

The Site does not process any particular category of personal data, as defined by Art.
9 of the GDPR.


4.2. Garanzia di Protezione dei Dati

In principle, our company will not process your personal data without your prior consent, where necessary, and, in any case, will carry out the processing within the limits of the existing contractual relationship with you and for the agreed purposes.

If you contact us using our contact details on the Site or through contact forms, we will collect and store your personal data for the sole purpose of following up on your requests (art. 6, co. 1, let. b) of the Regulations).

You are free not to provide such data.
However, failure to provide them may result in your inability to obtain what you have requested.

We also inform you that in connection with so-called marketing activities we will process your personal data subject to your optional consent, as provided under Art.
6, co. 1, let.
(a) of the Regulations and art.130 of Legislative Decree.
130/2003, which can be expressed by checking the appropriate consent box at the bottom of the contact form (form).
Where consent is given we will process personal data for marketing purposes (direct sales, sending of advertising material, carrying out market research, commercial communication, customer satisfaction surveys) and sending by mail, e-mail, SMS/MMS, WhatsApp and telephone with operator of advertising information, offers and promotions related to our products and services.

You may in any case freely and free of charge revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes at any time, including selectively (e.g., by communicating your wish to stop receiving e-mail communications, wishing to receive only SMS/MMS communications or other modalities), by making a request to us in the manner indicated in paragraph 5.8 below In relation to promotional communications sent by e-mail, you may also revoke your consent to the processing of your e-mail address for marketing purposes by clicking on the unsubscribe (opt-out) link in each promotional e-mail.

We specify that, in the event of failure to consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes, the ability to navigate to the Site or obtain what is requested will not be affected in any way.


4.3. Trasferimento e cessione dei dati

Any transfers of your personal data to third parties will take place only with your consent.
Exceptions to this are transfers of data that are mandatory by law, such as when we have to communicate data about our users at the request of public authorities.

Our employees and workers who maintain and operate the Site may have access to personal data.
They may also have access to personal data our third-party suppliers who, acting as data controllers under Art.
28 GDPR, provide us with IT and consulting services, it being understood that such entities will have to provide sufficient guarantees to implement adequate technical and organizational measures to the extent that the processing of personal data complies with the requirements of the GDPR and ensures the protection of the rights of the data subject.


4.4. Sicurezza dei dati

The technologies used by the Company to process the user’s personal data (hardware, software, network, infrastructure) comply with the state of the art with regard to security aspects.
Suitable technical and organizational measures have been taken for such procedures to ensure compliance with the requirements of the GDPR.



In this section, we present a statement indicating what personal data is processed within the Site, how it is processed, and the rights granted by the GDPR to data subjects.


5.1. Categorie di dati personali

Within the Site, personal data provided voluntarily through the completion of our forms (forms) are processed.

Our Company will process the user’s personal data exclusively for the purposes for which the data were voluntarily entered during the exercise of the right of informational self-determination. The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of your personal data to the mailing addresses, e-mail or fax numbers published on the Site or the communication of your personal data during calls made by you to our telephone numbers entails the subsequent acquisition of such data, which are necessary to respond to the requests you send in connection with the Site (art. 6, co. 1, let. b) of the Regulations). You are free not to provide such data.
However, failure to provide it may make it impossible to obtain what you have requested.
We will retain the personal data you have provided us with your request for a maximum period of 12 months, at the expiration of which we will proceed with their deletion.


5.2. Diritto di accesso ai dati personali

In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to receive information, at any time, regarding the data processed by the Company as data controller, the origin of such data, any recipients to whom the data may be disclosed, and the purposes of the processing.
Information will be received, following a written request by the user, see Section 5.10 below. Once all legal requirements for processing the request submitted by you for access to personal data have been met, we will follow up by granting you access to your personal data within the period of 1 month.


5.3. Diritto alla cancellazione

According to the provisions of the GDPR, the data subject has the right, at any time, to obtain the deletion of his or her personal data being processed by the Company, provided that the request for deletion does not conflict with any retention periods imposed by law or other legal obligations.
Once all prerequisites necessary for the acceptance of the erasure request submitted by the user are met, we will follow up on the request and proceed to erase the data within the period of 1 month.


5.4. Diritto di opposizione

According to the provisions of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to object, at any time, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him or her pursuant to Article 6(1), letters
(e) or
(f) of the GDPR, including profiling on the basis of these provisions.
Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject shall have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him or her carried out for such purposes, including profiling insofar as it is related to such direct marketing.


5.5. Diritto di limitazione di trattamento

According to the provisions of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to obtain the restriction of personal data processing when certain specific conditions are met.
Once all legal requirements are met, we will restrict the processing of your personal data within the period of 1 month.


5.6. Trasferimento dei dati

No transfer to recipients in a third country (outside the European Union/European Economic Area) or to an international organization.


5.7. Diritto alla portabilità dei dati

According to the provisions of the GDPR and based on the manner and purpose of personal data processing carried out by the Site, there is no right to data portability for the data subject.


5.8. Revoca del consenso

According to the provisions of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to revoke, where required, his or her consent to the processing of his or her personal data at any time, without having to provide reasons.
In case of withdrawal of consent exercised by the user, we will stop the processing of the data subject’s personal data and delete them, taking into account any retention periods established by law, within the period of 1 (one) month.


5.9. Reclami all’Autorità Competente

According to the provisions of the GDPR and Italian privacy and data protection legislation, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali ( or the other competent authority of the EU Member State where he or she lives or works, if he or she believes that the processing of his or her personal data violates the GDPR or Italian data protection legislation.


5.10. Ulteriori informazioni

Your trust is very important to us.
Requests to exercise the rights of the data subject should be submitted using the form for the exercise of personal data protection rights available at
This form, duly completed and addressed to the data controller, should be sent to the address or by mail to the following address:

9 Pietro Nenni Street

40026 – Imola (BO)

c.a: Privacy Office.